Important information that will assist you when moving to to Queensland

Queensland Rental Tenancy Authority offers all the answers to your rental questions. Once RelocateUs has found the property, you need to understand the regulations. Below are some important points that you will be able to review in full with the links supplied.

· Carefully read and understand the tenancy agreement, if you don’t understand anything in that agreement, ask the agent. Form 18A
· Pay the bond when asked to. You can pay it directly to the RTA (Qld Rental Tenancy Association)
· Pay your 2 weeks up front to your agent.

Once you have been accepted the process to move ahead will be
· Organise utility connections – electricity, gas, internet
· Key collection
· Entry condition report - must be done within 3 days of the key collection. The property manager will give you a copy of their completed report & It is important to note all things you feel should be included on the report.
· Insurance should also be arrange for your personal effects prior to moving in, as the landlords insurance does not cover your belongings

· Your lease will explain whether you have water included or not. If it is not included the property manager will supply a meter reading at start of the lease and you will be invoiced for your water usage throughout your lease.

· Smoke alarms will be installed in your property as per the Queensland Fire & Rescue Services legislation.
· Advise the agent if you have any issues with the smoke alarm
· Tenant must check they are working and replace any flat or near flat batteries
· These smoke alarms must not be removed and not do anything to reduce its effectiveness.

· Ensure all rental payments are made on time
· Look after the property by keeping it clean, well kept, free from damage, and if you have a garden, lawns and a pool, maintain these
· Your agent will inspect the property at appropriate intervals after issuing the notice required. The agent will be checking the property has a good maintenance level, and if any health and safety issues are present.
· Keep good communication with the property manager during your lease and if you have any concerns discuss it the them.
· In the event the occupants listed on the lease move and you have a new occupant move in, this must first be approved by the agent. If you fail to comply you may find yourself in breach of contract.
· If you wish to install an fixtures or make any alterations to the property, you must ensure you have prior consent.
· If for some reason you choose to change the locks the agent must be notifies and 2 sets of keys must be supplied to the managing agent.

· If you have a blocked or slow drain, you should clean ou the drain from any buildup
· Try a plunger to clear the drain
· Use a specific cleaning agent for the drain
· Do not throw anything other than toilet paper in to toilets and do no pour fats and oils down the sink. – Doing so may cause blockages
Property managers must supply the tenant with Entry notices and these requirements are set by the RTA. This information can be found here.
Don’t enter rental premises through the back door | Residential Tenancies Authority (

· Report all repairs required to your agent or landlord
· If there is an emergency – follow the instructions provided by your agent with contacts.
· Urgent repair must be addressed immediately – blocked toilets, gas or serious roof leaks, dangerous electrical issues, storm or flood damage, or anything that makes a property unsafe.
· If you have to pay for the immediate repair, you can claim back from your property manager or owner

If the lights, hot water, oven, stove or any electrical items stops working you will need to check:
· If the power box safety switch has tripped or a fuse has blown.
· Sometimes a faulty electrical item can trip the power switch. You will need to unplug all appliances then reset the trip switch, plug the items back in one by one and you will be able to identify the faulty appliance. More serious problems require a licenced electrician
· For information on breaches during the agreement please visit. A breach could be in respect of the Property Manager or the Tenant.

· Use the appropriate forms if you wish to terminate your lease. These can be sourced on the RTA website.
· Visit this for more information

At the end of every lease a professional bond clean is required.
Carpets must also be professionally cleaned
You will need to provide receipts for all cleaning to your property manager/owner
If you are required to do Pest treatment before your departure at end of lease this would have been specified in your lease or if you have had pets at the property. This receipt will also need to be forwarded property manager /owner

Keys must be returned on the day your lease ends. If the keys are not returned you may be charged for additional rent.
You can submit a request for a full bond refund using the RTA’ s Bond Refund web portal.
When the agent has checked the property is up to scratch and returned in the same condition as when you rented it.
In Queensland there are specific and wide ranging rules that apply to breaking leases and the costs involved. You should talk to your property manager / owner and do your own research. Written notice will need to be given. Details: Ending an agreement early (breaking a lease) | Residential Tenancies Authority (
The information supplied at the time of writing this in July 2022 was correct as per the Rental Tenancy Authority, however is subject to change. RelocateUs – the writer accepts no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or misstatements that may be written.