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Moving to the Gold Coast - What do you want from a Relocation Agent and what can you expect?

When you move to a new Country or City it will be very exciting but also can produce stress and anxiety. Trying to find somewhere to live will be a major challenge if you don’t have someone to look for you, and also someone who know the area very well. Local knowledge is so very important in finding the right place that is going to suit you. Our 35 years of living here will be an asset to you, giving you local knowledge that takes years to acquire. Get all the tips here.

Relocation agents will make your moving process so much easier, perhaps even regarded as a God send. Relocations specialists will save you time and money as they know the ins and outs and the challenges you may face, they will provide you with the advice and knowledge that you will need and you will have someone to trust as they are working for you to ensure you find the right …..everything.

So you are now thinking ! What will you do for me as a relocation agent?

Our job as a relocation agent is to make your moving process smooth, simplified and a lot less stressful than trying to go it alone.

Some of the services include :

Property Search and shortlist and then attend the property rental inspections on your behalf

We might accompany your to open home viewing if you are new at this and need some support and advice

Corporate relocations are where company employees relocate to their new location and the company is responsible for their expenses and settling in.

Personal relocations for singles and families including their pets

School searches

Packing and unpacking

Setting up your new residence

Concierge services which might include purchasing household items

RelocateUs also offers full service relocation packages which we tailor to your needs and this may cover some of these additional services.

Our Orientation tour is a must if you are coming to Australia and want to know everything about living a coastal lifestyle. Its amazing how much you will learn in a day when you work with a true Gold Coast local.

Relocation agents may also help you pack up and sell off what you had while you were here, when you find it time to move on to your next location.

Finally : Why should you use RelocateUs a my relocation agent?

Moving from one city to another is stressful enough but moving Countries can be very hard, with many decisions to be made.

When you don’t have local knowledge of suburbs, what they offer, where will be the best one for my style of living? Where can I afford to live? What suburb will be the best for my family and their schooling? Which bank should I use? Insurance? Phones? Transport? Taxation and Business services? Medical and where is the local hospital……

So many questions? We have the answers to make your transition smooth.

You can do a lot of internet research and get some of the answers, but only a long standing resident can really give you the local knowledge, and we will give you all the links to all the information you will need when you take our Gold Service package.

We have done the hard work and sourced all the links to all the sites that will offer the information you will find interesting and informative.

We are there as your support when you move here as we offer a one month phone assistance hotline to ensure your settlement process is on track, and you can find what you need.

Relocation Services when you are leaving

RelocateUs will assist you when you are ready for your outbound relocation.

We will help you with Disposal of goods, selling the unwanted household items, organising bond clean and assistance with your with end of lease issues such as break lease issues if that applies and key returns.

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